TILT Street Photography Tuscany

A non-profit recreational and cultural association that promotes the art of street photography.


Mario Mencacci

Born in 1961, Mario lives in Pontedera (Pisa) where he works as an architect. President of TILT Association and PSPI Festival organizer. Photography has been his passion for many years and he's been devoted to street photography for the last 10 years. He recently won awards in international street photography contests and Mario's interviews and portfolios were published in several Photography magazines and Art and Photography International websites. One of his photographs was selected and published by the United Nations and appears on the cover of their magazine. In the last years Mario has lead Street Photography workshops in several cities in Italy, holding seminars and conferences for organizations and associations and teaching photography lessons in schools. He has published some books not only photographic; he collaborates with the Social Department of the Fiaf (Italian Federation of Photography Associations) and with the magazine 'Fotoit'. In 2021 FIAF awarded him AFI (Italian Artist Photographer) photo by Fabio Gori.

Arez Prod

Arez Prod was born in Livorno in 1982. He is the vice president of TILT' Association, the Festival's organizer. He approaches photography as a self-taught documenting himself everywhere, starting to collect and study books from the great masters of the past to the most modern photographers. He finally approaches the street photography in 2017 fascinated by the possibility to "FREEZE" a unique moment in the frenzy of urban life, trying to introduce, sometimes an ironic and personal tone.. In 2020 he reaches the final at the Istanbul street photo festival', in 2021 at the Fujifilm Moment street' and in 2022 is a finalist of Italian Street Photo Festival, top 10 finalist' al EXIBART STREET 2021, Miami street photo festival 2022 finaist, Observa 2022 FINALIST, iMAGO Orbetello 2022 Finalist and ISTANBUL STREET PHOTO FESTIVAL 2022 WINNER, in 2023 is finalist at AUSSIE STREET '23 AND BRUXELLES STREET PHOTO FESTIVAL. photo by Lorenzo Lessi


TILT is a non-profit cultural association that deals with photography especially with street photography. Mario Mencacci and Arez Prod are respectively President and Vice-President and are the creators and organizers of the PSPI FESTIVAL 2022, THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL STREET PHOTOGRAPHY FESTIVAL which will take place in the fantastic historical setting of the city of Pisa on 24-25 September 2022. An event that wants to be the start of a fixed appointment every year and that is why this idea has developed. To promote initiatives that allow those who participate to meet new people with the same passion and to be able to group ideas, reflections and everything related to the vast world of photography.